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What type of lenses should I get for my glasses?

What type of lenses should I get for my glasses?

When you have to wear glasses, the type of lenses prescribed by an optometrist or eye doctor will have a significant impact on your vision, your appearance, comfort, and your safety when wearing your glasses. However, it can sometimes be a challenge to find the right type of lenses that will work for you. There […]

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How do multifocal and bifocal contact lenses work?

How do multifocal and bifocal contact lenses work?

Many of us reach the age of 40 before we realise that taking better care of our health is no longer an option. No matter how often you go to the gym and exercise weights, some degenerative diseases, such as difficulty concentrating your eyes, or straining your eyes while reading, are unavoidable. You may discover […]

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The different medical conditions a comprehensive eye exam can help diagnose

The different medical conditions a comprehensive eye exam can help diagnose

There is a saying that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and this is certainly very true, but for health reasons, they are also a window into your whole physical well-being. Did you know that an optometrist may discover a number of health issues that are still in the early stages and cannot […]

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How to manage dry eye symptoms and eye allergies every season

How to manage dry eye symptoms and eye allergies every season

Chronic dry eye illness and seasonal allergies have many of the same symptoms. In the spring, pollen allergies are a source of suffering. The incidence of dry eye illness coincidentally rises in the spring. Inhaling pollen and other seasonal allergens can cause dry eye disease or exacerbate already-present symptoms. Even in the winter, exposure to […]

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Eyewear trends for 2021

Eyewear trends for 2021

The fashion consciousness among us is not only picky when it comes to their clothing style but also our eyewear. Fortunately, there are plenty of permissible trends this season to experiment with, and this guide will help you choose the right eyewear for the 2021 fall/winter. Remember to always keep your face shape in mind […]

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How to improve your eyesight

How to improve your eyesight

Sight is one of the human senses that enables us to see the world around us, estimate distances, read and enjoy many other things, but how exactly does sight work? When light penetrates the eye through the pupil, it forms an image on the retina. The image is upside down — although the brain corrects […]

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Bold glasses for your zoom calls

Bold glasses for your zoom calls

If there is one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, it is that you should always be ready for a Zoom meeting, and to make a good impression on other participants by looking your best. Choosing the right computer glasses and frames, is just as important as choosing your sunglasses. Since Zoom calls mainly […]

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The best glasses to protect your eyes against computer vision syndrome

The best glasses to protect your eyes against computer vision syndrome

One can hardly imagine a life without using modern, digital technology, but unfortunately, it also has its downfalls. Too much exposure to digital screens (computers and cell phones) has implications for the eyes and can affect one’s vision and overall eye health. How is computer vision syndrome caused? According to experts, especially young people nowadays […]

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Prescription glasses – how they work and when you may need a pair

Prescription glasses – how they work and when you may need a pair

Have you ever just wondered how the prescription portion of your glasses works and what all those numbers and calculations actually mean? Reading glasses can help by focusing the light on the retina of the eye to help you see clearer. Usually, people in their 40s who start wearing reading glasses, are referred to as […]

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What is computer vision syndrome?

What is computer vision syndrome?

In the past year since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people have been working from home and spent several hours a day in front of the computer screen. Many also realised during this time that they no longer had 20/20 vision, while others began to develop something known as computer vision […]

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Bifocals vs varifocals – everything you should know

Bifocals vs varifocals – everything you should know

Do I need reading glasses? This is a question that many people face when it comes to reaching the age of 40 years. Almost every person needs some form of reading aid at some point in their life. The reason for this is a condition called Presbyopia. This is when the intraocular lens in the […]

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What is eye strain and how to reduce it with a few simple steps

What is eye strain and how to reduce it with a few simple steps

Vision-intensive tasks such as reading, or computer work can cause severe stress to the muscles in the eyes.  Eye strain, also known as asthenopia in medical terms, is often caused by bright light inside the office or bright light from outside and can include many symptoms such as tired, sore, itchy and burning eyes, and […]

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